Thursday, September 17, 2009

Get This! Sheep Pendant in SpinOff Magazine

Got my Fall '09 issue yesterday at Barnes and Noble and saw this feature for myself. It wasn't a surprise, though, as Lynn and Gayle had already emailed me as soon as they got their SpinOff copy in the mail last month. A BIG Thank You! to SpinOfff editor Amy Clarke Moore whom I met at Guido's Party during the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival last May and, of course, to Stefanie Berganini who writes the column, "Get This!"

By the way, a belated BIG Thank You! to Amy Singer of, whom I met at Jenny the Potter's booth at the same festival. I was buying a cloche (looks like an inverted bowl with a hole on top; keeps the knitting yarn from rolling off too far) and Amy was Jenny's cashier! I'm shy, but nothing can restrain me from doing a little shameless promo! The result was in the "Cool Stuff!" section of the Summer '09 Knitty issue.